Let the word go forth that ELECTRIC cars, lawnmowers & leaf-blowers, toothbrushes and bicycles are here to stay and now we add – fireplaces! And with that, let 2024 be the year of the EFP (Electric Fireplace) … or insert, stove, etc., etc. Why? Because they look worlds better than just a few years ago, easy to operate and they can fit almost anywhere! Also, if you have a project coming up and the idea of adding a fireplace was not even a consideration because of all that it typically entails, call us today. A quick conversation could put this idea on the wish list afterall. So, call or come on over and feast your eyes on the amazing selection from top manufacturers that count on August West to install and bring to life.
Visit our Electric pages and peruse the vendors we have vetted and featured and rest assured you will be very satisfied.
Electric Fireplace